Chi Muoi Lo
At the age of 10, Chi discovered his love for acting. By the ninth grade, Chi knew that acting was in his blood, and he entered the High School for the Creative and Performing Arts as a drama major. At Temple University, he was a theater major but grew restless after one year and decided to accept a full scholarship from San Francisco’s esteemed American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.). It was unprecedented for an eighteen year old to be accepted to the Master’s program there. By the age of 20, Chi had studied with 64 acting teachers. For over 30 years now, Chi has been acting, writing, directing, producing, and managing (see some of his acting work here).
Chi Muoi Lo is the owner of the production company, Black Hawk Entertainment and the CEO of the talent management company Allen Edelman Management.
Mastering The Business Of Acting
Chi taught a master class in acting, once a week, from 2004-2006. Later, Chi created a 14 week workshop entitled Audition & Camera Acting Master Class where he taught a limited number of actors a set of skills and techniques he developed over his own acting career. This 14 week workshop was first held once in 2007 and once in 2012. One final workshop session, initially planned for the summer of 2019, has developed into a seven episode streaming educational video project called Mastering The Business of Acting.
Master The Business Of Acting
The Essential Series
Mastering the Business of Acting’s original 7 episode series. Over 12 hours of invaluable information not obtainable anywhere else dissecting the business side of the acting industry.
Compare to: 2 hours of acting coaching or half the price of a headshot session.
Annual Extras
Includes: All new video segments on 5–10 entirely new topics and in-depth updates on the ever changing acting business that haven’t been touched on, expert and accomplished guests speakers, bi-yearly, 3-hour long live Q&A with Chi Muoi Lo.
Only accessible with Essential Series purchase.
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